Duringour Vinyasa yoga teacher certification we covermany asanas. Discover this week’s Yoga Posture: Matsyasana - Fish pose


Matsyasana will wake you up, ground you, and leave you feeling refreshed.

This back-bending pose lifts your heart and lightens your mood.

Fish Pose strengthens your back and stretches your abdominals,

Commonly practiced as a counterpose for shoulder stand inversion, the deep neck curve of this pose also benefits the thyroid.

As a 200h Yoga Teacher Training our mission is to educate our students to help them understand their own practice in order to share it with others.




1.   Begin sitting on your heels in Virasana -hero pose.


2.   As you widen your feet, sit between your legs allowing your sitting bones to touch the ground.


3.   Slowly come lying on your back keeping your knees as close together as possible.


4.   Lift your hips slightly and tuck your hands, palms down, beneath your buttocks.


5.   On the inhale, bend your elbows and press firmly into your forearms to lift your chest higher toward the ceiling, releasing the top of the head on the ground.

6.   Most of the weight should be on the elbows and forearms, only a minimal amount of weight on the crown of the head.

7.   Hold the pose from 5 to 10 deep breaths.


8.   To safely come out of the pose, press firmly into your forearms, and gently lift your head away from the floor. Tuck your chin into your chest and release the back of your head to the floor.




Fish Pose is traditionally performed with the legs in Hero pose (Virasana) or Half lotus pose (Padmasana).


These variations can be challenging for most beginner students, so begin practicing with either the knees bent, feet on the floor, or with the legs straight.


This asana can also be performed with the back supported on a thickly rolled blanket.


No matter the variation you choose, make sure your head rests comfortably on the floor and your throat is soft.


●    Strengthens the back.

●    Opens the heart.

●    Stretches the abdomen.

●    Stimulates the thyroid.

●    Stretches the psoas muscles &intercostals

●   Improves posture.


●    High or low blood pressure.

●    Migraine.

●    Insomnia.

●    Lower-back or neck injury.

●    Constipation.

Inner Yoga Blog 5

Stephanie Parent

January 26, 2021



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