3 Reasons to do a Yoga Teacher Training abroad


When it’s  time to decide where you will do a Yoga Teacher Training, not only do you need to choose the right school, but also where in the world you decide to live this experience.

Sure finding a school in your current city might be more convenient for many reasons, but nothing beats the experience of doing your Yoga Instructor Certification abroad and here is why:

  1. Get out of your comfort zone

Not only will you discover a new country and culture, but travelling will also allow you to discover yourself out of your everyday routine. Create time for yourself to be and do what you love. Experience that thrilling feeling of newness as you embark on this journey to discovering yourself. 

  1. Immersive experience:

Whether you are a beginner or have been practicing for a long time, a Yoga Teacher training is always a learning experience. Committing to a 23 days all inclusive training will allow you to submerge yourself completely into your journey. You will be guided everyday by your teachers, eating delicious healthy food and surrounded by lush nature. Having nothing else to worry about will allow you to only focus on yourself.

  1. Meet people from all around the world:

Surrounding yourself with like-minded people sharing the same interests and living this intensive experience together will create long lasting friendships. You will be part of a community of people from all over the world.

If you have been searching for Yoga Teacher Training, then Inner Yoga Teacher Training in Bali is your ideal option. https://www.inneryogatraining.com/

Source link: https://www.inneryogatraining.com/3-reasons-to-do-a-yoga-teacher-training-abroad/

 Inner Yoga Blog 10

3 Reasons to do a Yoga Teacher Training abroad

Stephanie Parent

Feb 10, 2021



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