Yoga posture of the week Malasana - Garland Pose to become a yoga instructor

During this time of confinement, we would like to introduce a weekly posture to allow you to practice safely and efficiently in the comfort of your home. Whether you want to become a yoga instructor , or simply want to improve your own practice, you will find these tips helpful to improve your knowledge and practice. Malasana - Garland Pose Traveling through Asia, it is very common to see people crouched in a squat position in their everyday activities. This tradition has incredible benefits for the body. However, in western culture, we rarely see someone in a full squat because of our habit of sitting on chairs. (desk, car, couch, ect.) This causes loss of suppleness and strength in the legs and flexibility in the ankles and hips. As part of our 200hour yoga teacher training , we explain how necessary it is to bring the body back to a “traditional body”, rather than the limiting “modern body” where we often use the same muscle groups and consequently lose range of movement ...