How to Practice Yoga Teacher Training Mindfulness over the Festive Season


With all the madness surrounding and leading up to Christmas it can be easy to let the stress pile up and to become overwhelmed and run down. This year has been a challenging one for everyone no matter where you are in the world, so whether it's the last-minute rush at work, the family obligations, or the added money stress that's getting you down this Christmas, this blog is here to give you some handy tips on how to stay present and mindful throughout the silly season.  If you Look out Yoga Teacher Training in Bali Inneryoga is the right Places for you.


Practice gratitude  


Daily gratitude has been scientifically proven to reduce stress, lower anxiety, promote better sleep and increase general feelings of happiness. Keep a gratitude journal by your bed and write down 5-10 things you are grateful for in your life. These things can be as small or as big as you like, take 5 minutes both in the morning when you first wake up and, in the evening, right before you go to sleep. Daily gratitude at the beginning of the day can help you from getting annoyed or irritated by the small things throughout your day, and gratitude in the evening can actually help you sleep better! Regular gratitude practices actually re-wire the brain to become more patient, understanding and compassionate.  Here is Available 200 Hours Yoga Certification Courses 2020

Write your to-do lists for the day the night before 


If you find yourself coming to the end of the year with mountains of dead-lines and last minutes work obligations to finish up before the Christmas holidays, write your to-do list the night before, this helps you go to sleep without tossing and turning thinking about all the things you need to do the next day. find a few moments in your evening (preferably before your gratitude exercise) to write out everything you need to do the next day. Keep the list next to your bed to jot down any last-minute thoughts before you go to sleep. Doing this helps us to feel more relaxed, at ease and less overwhelmed.  Are you want to Join yin yoga teacher certification Inneryoga is perfect for to provide yin yoga teacher Training

Give conscious gifts 


If money is tighter than usual this Christmas why not make some hand-crafted gifts to give to your friends and family? You could try making your own bath salts with Himalayan salt and dried flowers such as lavender, rose and chamomile. Or you can do some home baking and make a hand-crafted Christmas hamper. Christmas doesn’t have to be expensive, and gifting your friends and family something that is made by you and from the heart is a beautiful way to share the festive spirit.  

 Take time out  


Remember to look after yourself and say no to things that you cannot manage. If you are feeling stressed and run down don’t feel guilty for declining an invite to a Christmas gathering or work function. Take time for yourself in-between the chaos to have a bath, read, do yoga or to pamper yourself. Remember - you can’t give from an empty cup! 


Invest in Yourself 


If 2020 has left you feeling run-down, stressed and unbalanced there is no better time to invest in yourself and take on a new course or go on a retreat. At Inner Yoga we offer one of the best yoga teacher trainings in Bali, a perfect destination to unwind and focus on yourself. Enroll now for our 2021 teacher training and make 2021 a year to remember. Visit for more information. 



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