Yoga Poses To Practice At Your Desk

It’s high time when we need to accept the fact that offices sometimes hold us back late at night, but these stays cannot be denied, as workplace responsibilities also need to be fulfilled. Keeping your body movements working has become necessary to avoid the occurrences of chronic and acute pain. Practicing certain desk Yoga poses can help you relieve those cramped-up muscles. Though these exercises cannot replace your regular Yoga regime but can prove beneficial in momentary relief. For long term Yoga sessions, one can visit the Yoga Retreat in Bali to get the best guidance and also to master the art of Yoga with Yoga Instructor Certification.

Sit Straight

Though it may sound simple and easy, just to make sure you do not get accustomed to the drooping and curving over the desk, sitting straight once in a while helps in restoring the muscles. Relax your crossed legs, your reclined back, and your bent neck. Free yourself and elongate the muscles in the straight sitting position and balance your breathing.

Chair Pose

To accomplish the “Chair Pose”, sit straight with your hands pal-down on your thighs. Breathe in a balanced way multiple times. Keep your palms inward and stretch your hands up. Bring your tailbone towards the heel. Hold and use the strength in your legs to lift the sit bones above the chair, while holding the posture and go for deep breaths.

Seated Twist

A seated twist is known to be easy to pull-off exercise without being highly involved in it. The seated twist begins with the twist from the lower waist moving forward to the spine, and then to the neck, and finally the head. Hold on to each side for multiple breaths. Maintain a focus on your breath with inhalations and exhalations. With each inhale, try to lengthen your spine, and with every exhale, draw your navel back to the belly.
With being the most beautiful place for retreats, Bali offers Yoga Certification Retreats to let you master the art of Yoga and enjoy the exploration of the inner-self.


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