The Interrelated Trinity of Sunrise, Silence, and Savasana

Sunrise: The Beginning

Early rising seems close to impossible with the hectic schedules that are prevailing currently in the life of people. And, getting up and doing any form of physical exercise is out of the question. But, practicing yoga at the time of dawn is in itself the attainment of peace. Sunrise is directly related to relaxation and peace. The calmness at the time of sunrise soothes the inner soul and provides serenity. Seeing the colors of the sky changing to different hues of blue gives the much need lightness to the body. Join the Yoga Instructor Training to discover the motivation to get up early and practice Yoga in order to figure out a way to sustain the lifestyle.

Silence: The Root of Peace

It is rightly said, “Listen to silence; it has so much to say.” The dawn brings with itself the much-needed silence to relax and delve into serenity. The hustle of the lifestyle leaves no time to recognize the healing properties of silence for the inner soul. Relaxing the body and mind with Yoga while having acquaintance with the stillness of a sunrise, is bliss. Experience the moments of ego fading away while delving in the stillness. Silence, along with Yoga aligns your body and mind in a state where there is peace. Go for the Yoga certification 2019 in Bali to relieve your mind and body from the hassles of the monotonous lifestyle.

Savasana: The Pose of Calmness, Stillness, and Peace

Savasana is the concluding pose of the Yoga Session and is known to be the most peace-giving and relaxing pose. The posture is much underrated as it does not involve much moving or changing of postures, but that is what makes it the epitome of calmness. All you do is lie down, relax, and leave your body loose. But, Savasana is also a tough nut to crack as you need to be completely awake and still be relaxed. A balance which is tough to achieve. The act of surrendering your body and mind to attain peace is all that Savaasana does. It cultivates in you the stillness to understand and act according to the circumstance prevailing.
Relax and master the art of Yoga by joining the Yoga Instructor Training along with Yoga Certification 2019 to become a professional is attaining the utmost peace. Also, be an instructor and help your students to achieve stillness and happiness in their lives.


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