5 Reasons you should give a Raw Food Diet a try

You may have heard people raving about the benefits of a raw vegan diet, heard about how much energy it gives you, the glowing skin and lean body you get from going raw... You may have even heard the terms “alkalizing” and “detoxifying” to describe the physical benefits of eating a raw vegan diet, but if you are like me you might have also initially put the idea into the too-hard-basket and not given it a try. So, what are the benefits of going raw? And is it really worth giving it a go? Well according to its supporters eating raw has many physical benefits on the body and on overall heath, it’s a great way to flood the body with nutrients and to give the digestive system a break from eating refined foods such as white flour, refined sugars and meat. Although the long-term effects of adopting a fully raw vegan diet still remain a little controversial, it’s hard to argue that putting a little raw vegan food into our diets -if even only for a short while- can have amazing effects o...