Why you need more yin yoga in your life - Yin Yoga Benefits

In our hectic everyday lives, it can be tempting to gravitate towards sweaty vinyasa style yoga classes to workout, release tension and calm down the mind. Many of us are unconsciously living a very yang lifestyle, between work, family, and social life we rarely take the time to slow down, take a breath and go inward. This is exactly why we could all use a little more yin yoga teacher training in our lives to balance ourselves out and really dive deep into our body and mind. What is yin yoga? Yin yoga has its roots in traditional yoga philosophy dating back thousands of years, however modern yin has been adapted by teachers such as Paulie Zink and Paul Grilley who have taken the practice and transformed it into somewhat of a new strand of yoga. In the modern adaptation of yin, the focus is on lengthening and stretching the deep tissues of the body, working into the joints and connective tissue and releasing trapped energy or “chi” from the bo...